Bradley A. Smith, Ph.D.

Senior Staff Programmer for Santa Monica Studio of Sony Interactive Entertainment America, developing user interface and gameplay systems for God of War and God of War: Ragnarök.
Software Engineer for Rhythm & Hues Studios, improving the user interfaces of proprietary R&H visual effects software.
Project Leader of the open source MIFit project, a cross-platform interactive graphics application for molecular modeling, fitting, and refinement of protein structures from x-ray crystallography.
Software developer for 2 years with Rigaku Americas Corporation as project leader for the MIFit program.
Software developer for 6 years in the Crystallography department of Pfizer Global Research and Development in La Jolla, California (formerly Agouron Pharamceuticals, Inc.).
Postdoctoral associate at Isis Pharmaceuticals. I assisted their efforts to discover new drugs targeting RNA by computationally screening libraries of compounds and designing new novel molecules. Tasks which required a wide variety of my skills as chemist, programmer, and system administrator.
Ph.D. from the University of Minnesota.